Join us for a fun experiential anatomy review class designed to give you a feeling sense of anatomy.
In this class, we will review and expand your knowledge of all the body’s major muscles, palpate
them on each other, and practice stretching each muscle. This will help you design more impactful
yoga sequencing.
We will review relevant physiology, including post-isometric relaxation, reciprocal inhibition, and
eccentric muscle contraction, and explore their connection with the practice of yoga.
We will also look at issues with fascia and nerves and how they affect movement.
This experience will give you a deeper kinesthetic understanding of anatomy, enhancing your
ability to help your students or clients.
Although this workshop is designed for yoga teachers, it is open to anyone who works with bodies or
who has a body.
Please note that this class does not count for continuing education credits through the NCBTMB. They consider anatomy a core curriculum and think every massage therapist should already know it.
Please download a flyer to post at your workplace or share with your colleagues.
Register online at www.yogamusiclove/ or by calling Melissa Scharlach at 916-217-1759
The Saturday class will be at:
East Wind Yoga
210 Riverside Ave.
Roseville, CA 95678
The Sunday class will be at:
East Wind Yoga
922 Lincoln Way
Auburn, CA 95603