Whole Body Vibration

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I recently purchased a vibrating platform to work with Whole Body Vibration. The units used to cost around $2000, but the prices have come down considerably.
The unit I list here costs around $350 on amazon.com
This unit utilizes three types of vibration.
LifePro Rumblex Max 4D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine with Loop Resistance Bands.
Effect of 6‐Month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density, Muscle Strength, and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
Whole-Body Vibration Training Improves Balance, Muscle Strength and Glycosylated Hemoglobin in Elderly Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy
Whole body vibration therapy for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A pilot study
The effects of random whole-body-vibration on motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease
Shaking Your Fascia!
Whole Body Vibration for Successfully Addressing Chronic Pain and Chronic Illness
The Effects of Local Vibration


Efficacy of Whole-Body Vibration Board Training on Strength in Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Study

Effect of whole-body vibration on neuromuscular performance: A literature review


Whole-Body-Vibration Training and Balance in Recreational Athletes With Chronic Ankle Instability


Vibration Therapy in Management of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)




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