About Dr. Mally

Dr. James Mally is a massage teacher, educational content producer, and creator of MassageLibrary.com. He has been doing massage professionally since 1976 and teaching massage classes since 1979. His initial training was a 1000-hour massage program at Lindsey Hopkins School in Miami. He later attended Bastyr University in Seattle, graduating as a Naturopathic Doctor in 1984.

In 1990, he founded Healing Arts Institute, a California state-approved massage therapy school. He owned and directed the school until 2011 and graduated over 3000 massage therapists.

He produced his first massage video, Deep Tissue Massage, in 1996. The video employed a 3-D computer skeleton and is believed to be the first massage video to use 3-D computer graphics. He produced other videos (now DVDs) and workbooks on Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Side-Lying Massage, and Massage Cupping. These DVDs and workbooks are being used in massage schools worldwide. His Side-Lying Massage DVD has been translated into Japanese and is very popular in Japan.

Dr. Mally sold his massage school in 2011 to have more time to see massage clients and develop, practice, and refine massage techniques. He operates a teaching practice where he works with massage therapists and their problem clients, sharing assessment techniques and strategies to help the clients. Selling the school also allowed Dr. Mally to travel to teach his workshops internationally, produce more DVDs, and develop an online massage library at www.massagelibrary.com.

Dr. Mally is approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Provider #451329-10

Dr. Mally was inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2018.

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Cupping Applications – Arcata, California

This workshop is designed to help therapists integrate massage cupping into a clinical massage practice. Prior training or background in using massage cups is helpful but not required.

In this workshop, we will cover:

Pin and Stretch with Multiple Cups

Pin multiple areas at once to facilitate stretching and improve range of motion.

Cupping for Scar Tissue Treatment

Learn about the types of scars that can be helped with cupping.

Cupping for Nerve Entrapment Issues

Use cups to relieve pressure on nerves when doing nerve glides.

Cupping to Enhance Trigger Point Therapy

Cups can make trigger point work easier and more effective.

We will use both silicone and plastic cups and will learn about the pros and cons of each for the different therapies that we practice.

Please bring shorts, a sports bra or swimsuit top for women, and a set of silicone cups and plastic cups if you have them. Silicone cups will be available for purchase at the workshop.

($160 + $10 materials fee)

Download a flyer to post at your workplace or share with your colleagues

Call 707-630-3407 for more information or to register.

Discounted Hotel Rates

Ramada Inn in Arcata is offering discounted rates for people attending my workshops.

February workshops – $77 per night


The deadline to reserve at the group rate is January 26th.


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