Learn a painless and effective way of releasing trigger points!
If you have had trigger point work, you know how painful the treatments can be. Fortunately, another therapy works synergistically with trigger point work to make it painless and even more effective.
Strain Counterstrain work, also known as Positional Release, uses positioning to help reduce the pain-spasm cycle for an effective trigger point release. Once you learn the principles of this work, you can apply them anywhere in the body.
In this class, you will learn the following:
• different types of trigger points
• how to find trigger points
• common referred pain patterns
• how to position your client so there is no pain during treatment
• body mechanics to make this work easier for you
Trigger points are a major cause of musculoskeletal pain, so this work can help your clients to become pain-free.
Counterstrain techniques will also be shown to improve the mobility of joints for your clients with joint issues.
Extensive notes will be provided with this class.
Please bring shorts and a sports bra for women.
($160 plus $10 materials fee)
Register online at http://www.carlsoncollege.com/cont.-education.html or by calling 319-462-3402
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