The video on this page was updated on Oct. 10, 2017
Do this stretch slowly and get feedback from your client.
All stretches should be pain-free.
Always have your client’s other knee toward their chest to minimize lumbar lordosis.
The new video shows the Thomas test for Quadriceps tightness and shows draping that can be done with this stretch.
Have your client lying at the edge of the table, so that one hip is off the side of the table. Have them hold their other knee up toward their chest. Stand so that your client doesn’t roll off the table, then press their knee toward the floor only as far as it is comfortable for your client. This stretch must be pain-free.
From this stretched position have your client press their knee toward the ceiling with just one-tenth of their strength for ten seconds. After the ten seconds have them try to stretch their knee toward the floor, and assist them at the end of the stretch.
When your client tries to press their knee toward the ceiling they are fatiguing their psoas using the principle of post-isometric relaxation. When they try to bring their knee toward the floor they are using their hip extensors (gluteus maximus and hamstrings), causing the psoas to relax because of reciprocal inhibition.
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1 thought on “Psoas Stretch – Supine”
Is interesting, I like, and I practice. Thank you.